More Snow in Prague

Last year during our December visit to Prague I think we once had a few snow flurries in the air but nothing on the ground.  So this year we did not expect to see much snow but have been pleasantly surprised.  I think there have been as many days with snow on the ground as days without.

Yesterday it was snowing all day so we decided to see some sites without walking — by touring with the tram.  So we got on #10 near our apartment and rode it in an opposite direction from our usual clear to the end of the line.  That was also the end of #17 so we got on it with the intent of riding to the other end.

Before we got off near the Charles Bridge for a coffee break we had seen an extensive cross section of Prague.  We find this slice of life quite interesting; different neighbourhoods than what one sees in the tourist areas.  Some we had only known by the Metro station name. We also saw residential areas with large gardens around each house, reminding us more of back home in Oregon than Europe.  We also spotted several areas that we want to go back for a closer inspection, including the impressive Vystaviste expo centre and the large Stromovka park near it.  However, there were no photo opportunities.

Icicles on street light PragueBy the time we finished coffee and desert it was getting dark so we just rode along the river for awhile before returning home.  It was still snowing but Prague life seemed to be continuing as normal.

This photo is of Friday night ice cycles on the street light.


Snow on street light in Prague

This is the same street light on Saturday morning.

Today Saturday, however, seemed a little quieter; less auto traffic but many people on the tram and Metro.  As it had snowed most of the night there was much more accumulation than we had seen before.  Maybe that’s what made it seem quiet, everything was muffled.


Right photo shows our apartment courtyard.snow in our court yard out the bedroom window





Technorati Tags: Prague,snow,tram

So, what do you think?