Olšany, the biggest cemetery in Prague, although not featured on our Favourites page, is, nevertheless, a place we visit often. We wrote about it here and Karin has a photo journal here.
Now, according to a recent press release from the Czech News agency it will no longer be known to locals only. The Prague Cemeteries Management wants to attract both locals and tourists by organizing cultural and social events on its 50-hectare premises.
Martin Červený, director, would like picnics and workshops in the Olšany Cemetery, as well as readings from books of authors who are buried here. He suggested, “Outside the cemetery gate, a café could serve up black coffee and a popular Czech dessert with whipped cream called “rakvička,” or small coffin.”
“We would like to present Olšany Cemetery as a cultural site that is open to the living,” Červený said. “Such is progress,” I say. What say you? Please comment.
Do you remember the address of the statuary place in the photo with the robed horned statues? I’ve looked around the Olsany Cemetery area (subject of this Czech Mates blog.
I enjoy your info and photos from my visits to Prague. Thank You, George Graf
Thanks for the kind words, George.
For location look in the update here: https://parosparadise.com/CzechMates/2011/11/28/caped-cow-skull-curiosity/
If I remember right, the last time I walked by the statues had been moved and no longer visible.