Prague cemetery to become celebrated

Street of buildings in cemetaryOlšany, the biggest cemetery in Prague, although not featured on our Favourites page, is, nevertheless, a place we visit often.  We wrote about it here and Karin has a photo journal here.

Now, according to a recent press release from the Czech News agency it will no longer be known to locals only. The Prague Cemeteries Management wants to attract both locals and tourists by organizing cultural and social events on its 50-hectare premises.

Martin Červený, director, would like picnics and workshops in the Olšany Cemetery, as well as readings from books of authors who are buried here. He suggested, “Outside the cemetery gate, a café could serve up black coffee and a popular Czech dessert with whipped cream called “rakvička,” or small coffin.”

Most decorated grave“We would like to present Olšany Cemetery as a cultural site that is open to the living,” Červený said.  “Such is progress,” I say.  What say you?  Please comment.

InterNations Prague

There are many internet sites for expatriate information. One that I know of has distinguished itself by establishing communities for expats to actually meet together locally rather than just virtually.  I belonged in Athens and in Prague but never attended a gathering because they were primarily cocktail parties attended by young corporate types looking to network and or hook-up.  Not our thing.

Now the Prague group seems to be evolving based upon my recent email from them.  They offer:

Prague Kitchen CrashersKitchen Crashers:  we will invite you to our own kitchen and invite you all to ‘host’ at your own respective kitchens. Activities will be limited to a maximum of 12 people to ensure for proper crowd control. Depending on the theme and host, guests will be asked to either contribute monetarily or in the form of food or drink which will allow for participation for every budget!

Prague Hiking:  Weekend hikes in the Czech countryside. Once a month, either on a Saturday or a Sunday, and lasting the whole day.  Distance: between 15 and 20 kms  These are walks, not leisurely strolls. There will often be hills and you need to be reasonably fit to do the hikes. But the main aim is to get people together, as well as getting some fresh air and exercise.

Christians in Prague:  For many ExPats abroad, faith and those who share it, are one of the most important things that sustain them while they try to adjust to a foreign culture. Information on Christian activities can be a “breath of fresh air” or “a life line” to those who are struggling to cope in a new environment. This group will invite Christians to gather for fellowship and encouragement.

Soul Connection:  Every life on this planet gives us the unique opportunity to learn something new and improve ourselves in our spiritual path. The planet Earth is the practical lab for us to experience everything we have learnt in the Spirit realm.
What we can do to aid the Earth and her people is to bring down awareness of worldly matters in order to spread love and healing.

How’s that for hooking up with like minded people?

2014 Update:  I have become active in the Writer’s Group.  So anyone who would like to know more or for an invite to Internations is welcome to contact me.

Here is a piece I wrote for the group as prose inspired by an image:  Paros Flashback

A Walk in the Snow

Well, this blog is certainly off to a slow start–just like our settling into a new life in Prague.  All I can say is that we have been too busy living life to blog about it.

So to keep you dear readers entertained until we get better organised here is one of Karin’s evocative reports.
