Castles and Chateaux

In early December we saw the ad for this Prague Castle exhibition:  “This spectacular exhibition is the first time that the most valuable treasures from the Czech castles and country houses have been gathered in one place and at one time.”  We were sold, yet with one thing and another we did not make it there until this week.

Don’t you procrastinate!  This exhibit ends 15 March; it would be a shame to miss it. However the Prague Castle Riding School, a magnificent building in its own right, does have regular, high quality shows.  So if you are coming to Prague later check out both the Prague Castle site and the National Heritage Institute site (link down in June 2015).  Actually you need to be on constant watch for posters because there is no one place for all cultural events.

Since this exhibition was drawn from all regions of the Czech Republic it had more than the usual amount of variety.  Below is small sample of items that were of particular interest to me.  All photos by Karin–click to enlarge.

model of castle at Cesky Krumlov

Cesky Krumlov

Well cover from Jindrichuv Hradec

Well cover from Jindrichuv Hradec

armoured knight and horse

Czech Crown Replica

Czech Crown Replica

Wenceslas Reliquary Bust

Wenceslas Reliquary Bust

Czech Renaissance Dining

Renaissance Dining

Inlaid cabinet

Inlaid cabinet

Inlaid Detail

Inlaid Detail

Westphalia Peace Pen

Westphalia Pen

Westphalia Peace