Re-dedication of Wilson station

The American Friends of the Czech Republic have worked long and hard, and raised a lot of money, to rebuild (not restore) the Wilson Monument at Prague’s central train station.  They are celebrating in style between 4 and 7 October including a $250 per plate dedication dinner.

We will only be attending two of the events, both free.  Here is the official announcement:

Dedication of Rebuilt Woodrow Wilson Monument

Where: Vrchlického sady, (Nové Město, between Opletalova Street and Main Train Station)
Time:    11:00 am      5 October

Admission: Free and Open to the Public

Dedication Ceremony featuring U.S. and Czech officials, musical and military tributes, and the formal unveiling of the Woodrow Wilson Monument and the Walk of Freedom.

The listed celebrities to attend are President Vaclav Klaus and former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.  We will be attending because of our love of history and interest in the American connection.

Old Wilson Station with original statue, Prague

The original 3.5 meter statue was erected in 1928 and removed by the Germans in 1941.  The train station itself was originally opened in 1871 and named Franz Joseph I. During the first republic and between 1945 to 1953 it was named Wilson station (Wilsonovo nádraží­),  I haven’t found when after the communists left that the name was brought back as it is commonly called Prague main railway station.

Woodrow Wilson, US President from 1913-1921, had a long-standing friendship with first Czechoslovak President Tomas Masaryk and was instrumental in obtaining international recognition for the new country.  This relationship and the history of the founding of Czechoslovakia is the subject of a special exhibit at the New building(Vinohradska 1, Praha 1-Nové Město) of the National Museum that opens 4 October at 10 A.M.

I hope to follow up this post with some photos of Czech and American flag waving.  To read about another important statue at this same station see Hugging a Statue.

A bit of this, a bit of that . . .

We are travelling to see family and our blog has suffered the consequences.  I seem to have time to read other people’s blogs, but haven’t organized myself enough to sit down and write on ours.  So, if you are still out there, waiting, I hope you enjoy some random things we saw in January of 2010.Cleaning in Metro station


The man in the yellow hat is wiping down the sides of the escalator in the Metro.  What an easy job. . . he just stands there while the escalator does all the work!  Most Metro’s are quite clean thanks to these guys.David Cerny art:  Man hanging


At first glance one wonders if they should call the police!  This actually is a sculpture by David Cerny, Prague’s controversial artist who has many interesting (and shocking sculptures) around the city.  Cerny uses the image of Sigmund Freud in this precarious position to communicate one’s need to consciously make the decision to live life or to let go.  Rather a deep subject and not to be taken lightly. . . thankfully this Hanging Man is hanging on!architectural art, arch support figures, Prague


Every time I saw these huge figures, which are often at the entrances of large buildings, I thought of Purgatory!!  Seriously, I would look up and instantly feel the tremendous crushing weight they have on their heads . . . and wonder if they were once real people who did naughty things!  I could almost hear them moaning and groaning.  But then, I am the one who thanks the tires on my car for all the work and punishment it takes just to get me from here to there!  Ha, ha.Charles Square, Eliska Krasnohorska statue


When we got off the tram in Charles Square the first thing we saw was this statue of Eliska Krasnohorska holding a yellow flower someone had given her, along with her book.  The day was cold and grey but people who saw the flower immediately had a smile on their face!  Eliska Krasnohorksa (1847-1926) was a Czech feminist author who wrote works of lyric poetry and literary criticism.  However, she is usually associated with children’s literature and translations, including works by Pushkin and Byron.  Krasnohorska wrote the libretti for several operas by Bedrich Smetana.  Somehow I think she would have approved of the yellow flower given her.Prague logo, spell Prague


How many ways can you spell Prague?  I loved this phone booth but in the days of mobiles and cell phones I wonder if it will one day be a monument? roses in Prague in winter


How to keep cheery in January!  I love flowers and was more than pleased when Michael surprised me with these beautiful roses.