Beach Performer Hits the Big Time

Now adays you can’t get much bigger than making a film for Netflix and Kilkenny, Ireland studio Cartoon Saloon is doing just that. It has also been nominated for an Academy Award and received many awards for its productions. The studio co-founder and CEO, Paul Young, is also an award-winning illustrator and cartoonist.

Paul says he received his first income from drawing on the streets and beaches of Paros. Here is his story from an article by Sean Pollock:

It was on the tiny Greek island that he learned there was money in animation. “I started working selling sandwiches outside the front of nightclubs to make money,” he laughs.
“I soon learned that I could make far more sitting next to these two Ukrainian guys on the beach doing caricatures of tourists, while they were doing longer portraits.
“I found I was making more money than my mates by just selling one caricature, that wouldn’t take so long, direct to tourists.
“You could say I learned my first bit of business on the streets of Paros; it was the first time I really earned money from drawing anything.”

This reminded me of the crack down on street performances in Parikia years ago. It used to be such fun to stroll along the harbour front watching the jugglers, dancers and musicians. Then suddenly they were gone as the police were requiring a license. No longer was there much joy or excitement along restaurant row.

Thankfully, however, either the license edict was relaxed or the police found something else to emphasize because the performers are back, though in smaller numbers it seems. Most seem to move on to other islands after a few days while the portrait and caricature artists become regulars, perhaps looking to become the next big thing in the entertainment world.

Check out the animation at Cartoon Saloon


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