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Currency Trading on the Beach


Buying and selling currency is an unavoidable aspect of world travel, except within the Euro zone, of course. It is essential that anyone living in a foreign country learn something of the ups and downs of currency exchange, known as forex. Therefore it could be a good idea to carry that knowledge a step further and earn income in the forex market.

Even following the news is part of good investing. Usually forex news isn’t labeled as such. Any economic news at all can affect the market; a sharp-eyed trader is on the lookout constantly for news that might impact his trading. In other words, a good trader will have to be an expert on world affairs, monitoring political, social and other developments in other countries. All of this, combined with the more specific forex news dealing with the details of exchange rates and so forth, gives you the information you need to be successful at currency trading.

The world of forex trading can be intimidating to someone who’s new to it. While it has similarities to the stock market, there are many differences, too. And what is even more confusing, some terminology means one thing in the forex world and something else in the stock market. So even veteran stock traders have to learn new vocabulary when they move into the foreign exchange!

Luckily, many companies offer forex seminars to help newcomers understand the complex but lucrative world they’re jumping into. Some seminars are held free of charge (in the hopes you’ll sign on with that broker) and last an hour. Others are more intensive, last longer, and require a registration fee.

Of course, as in any internet business, there are scammers mixed in with the legitimate companies. So do your “home work” before spending your cash.

The vast majority of retail client accounts lose money when trading in CFDs.

That is what many companies place in their ads, some even quoting an exact percentage in the 80% range. Dangerous territory; do you have the Right Stuff?

Yet, for the digital nomad this business is ideal for operating from your shaded veranda or a sun chair at the beach . . . or wherever your personal paradise may be.

See where remote workers are in demand

Digital Nomads in Demand


Update:  April 2021     Explore New Heights  —  Ascend West Virginia

With the help of a $25 million donation from native son and Silicon Valley executive Brad Smith the State of West Virginia is offering $12,000 cash and other benefits to anyone moving there and working remotely in certain city areas.  Read the details and find the application in a beautiful web site HERE

On November 17, 2020 I posted that Coronavirus Will Create Nomads. Since then I have seen a veritable deluge of information about companies and countries seeking to attract remote workers. This article lists a few of the offers.

The latest is free 30 day accommodation plus air fare from the U.K. in a luxury villa in Corfu, Greece. The stay is strictly from 5 April-3 May 2021 and you have until 15 Feb to apply. This offer is sweetened by the news that the Greek government is proposing a 50% discount on income taxes for up to seven years for foreign workers who take up residence in Greece. This site is full of information about Greece and being an expatriate and Work at Home on the Beach. Oh yes, you can apply for the free villa HERE

Already on this bandwagon is Google Maps creator Lars Rasmussen who has announced he is moving to Greece in January 2021 to create a new start-up enterprise. He is quoted as saying, “(Greece) Will hopefully attract an additional 500,000 non-Greek brains to live & work in paradise!”

How about Hawaii? Have you ever wanted to live there? It is probably too late for this offer but check it out anyway. Free flights to Hawaii offered to remote workers who promise to stay at least 30 days . . . and other details. Note this is not an ad 🙂

As reported in the previous post, several countries around the world have launched remote work visas for foreigners in efforts to stimulate their economies. They include Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Estonia, Georgia, United Arab Emirates.

I am sure I have just seen the tip of the iceberg so I would welcome anyone who knows of other offers for digital nomads or countries with special programs to attract remote workers to please comment.

Since I personally have been an expat for about 25 years I have beaucoup information elsewhere on my sites. For ideas on how to use your own skills and talents read the articles in the Work at Home category. I have specific expatriate pages on each of the country sites listed below in the footer.

I even provide a collection of motivational quotes for the global nomad at TravelShepherd.com

Day Trips & Activities


On Paros you can relax in a state of excitement. Or you can get out and about to sample new experiences. Here are a few suggestions you can book ahead.

Usually, island hoppers include Athens in their itinerary. Here are a few ideas to expand your horizons from Athens.

More information about What To Do on Paros and more posts in the category Activities

Coronavirus Will Create Nomads


leather accessories with Shepherd's plaid
This photo by Pedro Araujo is me in so many ways, especially the “Shepherd plaid”.

Since the first day of covid 19 lockdowns the media has been full of predictions about the changes taking place–will they be permanent or will people revert to their old ways as soon as possible?

Generally, I tend to believe people will return to in-store shopping and go back to their offices and abandon most Zoom-type meetings. Yet, for many that have seen how easy it is to be productive when isolated, new horizons will appear. That is, my perennial theme: work from home at the beach.

December 2020 Update: This trend is booming! Free month in Greece and more at Digital Nomads in Demand

It was gratifying to see that the Airbnb corporate officers agree with me. In the printed materials for their Initial Public Offering they wrote:

“We believe that the lines between travel and living are blurring, and the global pandemic has accelerated the ability to live anywhere. Our platform has proven adaptable to serve these new ways of traveling.
…we believe that as the world recovers from this pandemic, Airbnb will be a vital source of economic empowerment for millions of people.”

In other words, as some people flee the inner cities for country tranquility others will seek the excitement of an active social life in the heart of cultural cities, even in other countries. The number of global nomads will grow greatly over the next few years, I predict.

Further several countries agree with me. Here is from BudgetAir U.K.:

Several countries around the world have launched remote work visas for foreigners in efforts to stimulate their economies.

Antigua and Barbuda
Cayman Islands

United Arab Emirates

Truly, the world is your oyster.

Expatriate Lifestyle & Global Nomads contains my definitions and descriptions of these terms.

Check out the book in the header photo: The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

Medical Tourism — Surgery on the Beach?

Last year you were probably watching and reading about the Motion Picture Academy’s Oscars and missed the first ever Medical Travel Awards by the International Medical Travel Journal.  Yes, medical tourism is big business and now has its own awards show.  What country would you guess to win Destination of the Year?  . . . Wrong!  The winner was Jordan.  You might stand a better chance at the Excellence in Customer Service category; the winner was Apollo Health City in India, the call center capital of the world.

Update Spoiler:  This article is a reprint so facts and figures are out of date.  I don’t think that matters because if you need medical help you have to do your own research anyway. Also, of course, the coronavirus travel restrictions have to be taken into account in your specific planning.

Davinci robotic surgery system
robotic surgery system

Medical tourism is truly a global growth industry.  Thailand and Malaysia have been known for years to have world class hospitals and doctors for those with champagne taste and a beer budget.  But did you know the major hospital in the Dominican Republic has bought a new Davinci robotic surgery system and is now the mecca for prostate treatments.  By the way, if you don’t like my use of the lower case mecca, Iran has a growing medical tourism business from Muslim countries.  It seems it not only has better facilities and doctors than many of its neighbors but it is more stable as well(after all everything is relative).  Or if you prefer, Dubai is gaining a lot of medical business due to its position as a regional and intercontinental airlines hub.

For potential patients from developed countries cost is a major driving factor and enjoying the beaches, scenery and food is secondary. Nearly any procedure that can be scheduled is cheaper at these destinations.  A knee replacement costs $35,000 in America, $20,000 in Singapore, $12,000 in Thailand and $10,000 in Costa Rica, according to medical consultants, Patients Beyond Borders. The European Union has been seeking uniformity for over fifty years yet a hip replacement cost $4,000 less in Spain than in England and I would bet the food is better as well.

Of course, there are drawbacks to flying coach when you are ill.  Many people who can manage the price of local treatment prefer to stay close to home.  They are close to family and friends and have known recourse if something goes wrong.  Understanding the dialects of nurses and doctors can be a comfort as well, even if these days many western hospitals are staffed with foreign nationals.

Previously I wrote about the Russians visiting the spas of the Czech Republic.  It turns out that an increasing number of Brits are taking the short hop to Prague for essential procedures such as breast implants.  That enhancement in a modern Czech clinic with an English speaking doctor costs about half what it would in the U.K.

Asian relaxing spa treatment

Malaysia has long been a popular medical tourism destination for the Chinese and now South Korea is gaining ground as well.  Thailand is not content to let these upstarts take their business.  The Tourism Authority there has launched a marketing campaign that invites people from all over the world to compete for places in a reality show, Thailand Extreme Makeover.  Yes, your before and after pictures, as well as everything in between, can be on international television.

While this report has been somewhat tongue in cheek, our health or lack of it is serious business.  As quality of care decreases, including the insidious practice of requiring specialists for even common procedures such as prostrate exam—my recent experience—and costs correspondingly increase; it behooves everyone to apply the same principles to purchasing medical care as to a new smart phone—shop around.

P.S. This post is a little off topic; I have more like it on my Travel Shepherd site.

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